And, yes, audiences shouldn't be passive receivers.
The key to better managed care is the involvement of patients or consumers as active agents rather than passive receivers of more information.
The scans of those in stasis suggest that the 'soldier' parasites are passive receivers...unless the psychic link is more evolved than we know.
We will need the symphony orchestra, as we do now, because we are not content to be passive receivers of music.
Since a one-way pager is a passive receiver only (it sends no information back to the base station), its location cannot be tracked.
We had become, at least for the moment, entirely passive receivers of history, suffering it.
Students are more than passive receivers of knowledge, rather they are the ones constructing it.
Rather than looking at consumers as passive receivers of messages, engagement marketers believe that consumers should be actively involved in the production and co-creation of marketing programs, developing a relationship with the brand.
He also doubts the concept that cultural agents are passive receivers of information.
In other words, they are not only passive receivers of information, but also serious contributors.