It achieves this by passively allowing the rear wheels to turn slightly to more closely approach their optimal angle during steering maneuvers.
She passively allows him to kiss her, but when he leaves she vigorously rubs the spot.
Had Mrs. Onassis passively allowed the medical system to take charge of her life, she might have lived several more days, even weeks.
"In some areas of Baghdad there are those that would hide him and those that would passively allow him to operate."
The Neglect response is passively allowing for conditions to worsen.
Now, though, she said, watching her daughter passively allow her hair to be cut, "We hit the jackpot."
He looked on approvingly, passively allowing her to reach her own pleasure, merely tweaking her pink nipples.
The server passively allows the client to take control of it.
The Burmese authorities are responsible for a crime against humanity, but we cannot sit by passively allowing them to continue in this crime.
As she was pulled back, she lay passively allowing the waves of pleasure to finally subside.