They left the garden, and went down the road to the stable, Wally passively following Grant's lead.
The students themselves take little active part in the teaching/learning process, but tend to follow passively round the various stations.
Unlike true vices, these are weaknesses where someone passively follows an urge rather than a deliberate choice.
Balancing between all-out aggressive racing tactics and passively following the leader's draft is important to gain the crucial championship win at the end.
While Shaddam followed passively, amused, Fenring forced her to the door.
He didn't turn back to look at her, and she followed passively.
Water passively follows the sodium out of the cell along its concentration gradient.
A poodle in politics is an insult used to describe a politician who obediently or passively follows the lead of others.
At Sarah's urging, Katie passively followed her to the bathroom.
Yana fretted over that as they passively followed their guards to the shuttle.