After all, nothing was said about passively receiving the messages of other faradh'im.
News and information can be activity filtered through subscription allowing users to focus on what interests them, as opposed to passively receiving information.
Or they could passively receive the smells encoded in, say, a game.
Used it actively instead of passively receiving whatever came in.
MASINT can also passively receive signals reflected from an enemy beam.
Exploitative Orientation Exploitative oriented people aggressively take what they want rather than passively receiving it.
It has been claimed that since the animal passively receives the drug, it cannot be compared.
It is not a "given" that we passively receive from outside.
Children learn best when they are actively involved in their environment and build knowledge based on their experiences rather than through passively receiving information.
My poor Neut self spent Its entire life in a glass coffin, passively receiving my sister and me.