It wasn't she knew, remembering the lovers on the train, her own past affairs, but there had to be more than bodily satisfaction.
In the story, a husband and wife have an altercation over a past affair.
She realizes this is because he does not trust her, given her past affair with Big.
Family issues had previously been decided by customary law, so it is considered an improvement on past affairs.
But if he thinks I'm flat, he's likely to snoop into my past affairs.
Many of her colleagues also spend meager sums or recycle old dresses and suits from past affairs.
Will he be haunted by past affairs with both the city's most prominent restaurant critic and her sister?
And why should you show such concern over your current girlfriend's past affair?
Don's relationship with Bobbie is significantly more volatile than his past affairs.
The law had given them up as dead; and their past affairs were practically a blank.