As she did this past autumn, Mrs. Arafat often spends months at a time abroad, usually in Paris, where her parents keep an apartment.
For the past 11 autumns, Mr. Strahan has made his living by slamming into 300-pound men.
In New York the past autumn, he had found the answers to some new questions.
If this is only half past autumn, you have to wonder what winter could possibly bring.
This past autumn, I set out to explore the nature of the Balkan village - its codes and violent means of enforcing them.
He replaced Steve Sampson as coach of the national team this past autumn.
Which, she knew, would certainly not be the hot spot she'd lunched in that past autumn.
This past autumn's local elections revealed that more than a third of the district's voters were under 27 years old.
I actually watched the whole thing over, all the way to the sadly lacking crusade and all the movies just this past autumn.