He is a past co-chair on the Congressional Sportsmen's Caucus.
He served in the Iowa Senate 2000 - 2008 and was a past co-chair of the Senate Ways and Means Committee.
He is a past co-chair of the Parliamentary Pro-Life Caucus, which includes Conservative and Liberal MPs.
She is a past co-chair of the Children's Crisis Treatment Center Round Up, and while serving on the Board of the Eagles Youth Partnership, she co-founded the "Philadelphia Eagles Annual Carnival."
He is past co-chair and advisory board member.
In 1994-95 he served on the Mayor's Blue Ribbon Budget Task Force and he is a past co-chair of the Bay Area School Reform Collaborative/Annenberg Challenge.
I am a past co-chair of the Women's Campaign Fund, the largest and oldest bipartisan, pro-choice, political action committee in the United States.
A restaurant owner in Edwards, Colorado and past co-chair of the Eagle County Democratic Party, Marquez was elected to the DNC in 2004.
She is past co-chair of the Women's Campaign School and she is a member of the Canadian Women Voters Congress and Canadian Women of Municipal Government.