You look like a man with past tragedies under the skin, and scars that won't ever quite heal.
Because of his past tragedy and current resolve, he is terse and seems very cold.
Did memorials of past tragedies seem this way at first?
Buford tried to forget past tragedies by keeping himself occupied with other things.
You are always thinking back over some past tragedy, or looking ahead to some distant dream.
Francis has described Genevieve as "harsh", and said that her past tragedy is the reason she acts this way.
With the help from friends, she has recovered, but the past tragedies are coming back to haunt her.
She seems like a typical cheerful girl, but this belies a sadness from a past tragedy.
Today certain people will not go on the station after dark, so the past tragedy lingers on over an entire railway complex.
Regardless, her story had drawn attention of millions to the past nuclear tragedy.