Return hot pasta pot to stove.
"Lisa has a faucet over the stove to fill pasta pots," Amy said.
Bring two teaspoons coarse salt and two quarts water to a boil in a large pasta pot.
Remove about a cup of cooking water from pasta pot, then drain pasta, potatoes and beans.
The helper causes the title character's magic pasta pot to create so much pasta that it nearly flooded and buried a town.
He decides to use the magic pasta pot to his advantage by summoning humongous amounts of pasta for the villagers.
I washed out a pasta pot.
In today's track-size kitchens, the cook is often a long-distance runner, dragging the steaming pasta pot all over the place.
In a large pasta pot, mix together 6 cups of water and the beet juice, bring to a boil and cook the pasta until tender.
The plan's key is something called the Impactor, a copper and aluminum device that, at 770 pounds, resembles an enormous pasta pot.