We have a congregation that has sent a letter to President Yeltsin saying please let our pastor come back.
Starting in 1816, the church's pastor came from Locarno.
"But when the pastor came to take away the organ, he had tears in his eyes."
No other pastor in the church's history comes close to matching this number of years of service; furthermore, Ross served as minister without compensation.
But the pastor only came for one service every two weeks even then, in the war.
Until roughly the turn of the century, pastors came and went frequently.
The governor and the doctor and the pastor all came down to see them off.
And I think this is going to help us move forward when our new pastor comes in.
Come, let's wait in the quiet room until your pastor comes.
Now the pastor came forward and shook hands, gripping my arm with his free hand, like they do in Hollywood.