She hadn't realized such pastoral beauty existed so near to London.
The pastoral beauty of the Campagna inspired the painters who flocked into Rome in the 18th and 19th centuries.
"Belfast, Maine," for all its pastoral beauty, is no seaside idyll.
Robyn looked around them in shock, trying to recall the pastoral beauty of the druid's grove as it once had been.
The pastoral beauty is in Shakespeare's words.
This elegantly shot film recreates the pastoral beauty of rural life, still untouched by industrialization, without falling into the sentimental or picturesque.
The proper response to such pastoral beauty is instant enchantment.
Hunger and cold overcame pastoral beauty and her thoughts began to turn materialistic.
Instantly, the room filled with pastoral beauty.
Soon we were surrounded by pastoral beauty, exotic to eyes accustomed to the prairies and cornfields of American farms.