On the doctrinal authority of the pastoral council.
In particular, they may be useful for parish groups, pastoral councils and members of lay organisations.
Approximately 60% of American bishops in 175 dioceses consult an archdiocesan or diocesan pastoral council.
Six other official documents of the Church define the diocesan pastoral council in this threefold way:
Canon 536 of the 1983 Code legislates about parish pastoral councils.
If he judges it opportune, a pastoral council is established in each parish of his diocese.
Because the pastor is the proper shepherd of the parish, it follows that his pastoral council possesses a consultative vote only.
He was also the founder of the pastoral collegiate council at the Cégep de Victoriaville.
These include the presbyteral council, the diocesan synod, and the pastoral council.
The role of the pastoral council is only consultative.