In emergencies, war and persecution, the antimins thus serves a very important pastoral need.
The pastoral needs of the Church were not affected by his procrastination on Vatican positions.
I tried to meet this personal and pastoral need in a four-page leaflet with printed prayers for the occasions mentioned above.
"The pastoral needs of the church require it."
Once again, he said with preoccupation, what value do the pastoral needs of the local churches have for the Roman Curia?
He used to pray in the late hours of the night striking on his chest, for the different pastoral needs of parishes and mission stations.
There were problems to sort out in the church, pastoral needs, finance, administration, weeknight meetings, women's meetings, children's work.
The pastoral need to care for priests who do not accept the ministry of black people will not go away.
St. Mary's Church was established in 1867 to serve the pastoral needs of German immigrants.
In reflection sessions, they will relate their academic studies to pastoral needs.