The school's most recent inspection rated much of the education and pastoral provision as 'outstanding'.
Regular tutor meetings are also a feature of the pastoral provision.
But in terms of pastoral provision much development had already occurred long before 1050.
The discussions that led to the granting of the 1980 pastoral provision raised some of the ideas that came to fruition in the decision of 2009.
But even with the pastoral provision, an Episcopal priest's move to Catholicism is not quick or easy.
The "pastoral provision" or "statute" for United States Episcopalians entering the Catholic Church authorizes some departures from the normal practice of the Latin Rite.
The pastoral provision for former Episcopalians is limited to the United States, but in other countries too there are former Anglican clergy who have become married Catholic priests.
Though admittance of the Episcopalians in question to the Catholic Church was considered as reconciliation of individuals, the pastoral provision gave them a common group identity.
The compiling of attendance figures is another objective measure taken seriously in many schools, in an attempt to assess both curricular and pastoral provision.
This pastoral provision was granted by Pope John Paul II through the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith.