Never mind the patent absurdity of a piece of furniture that once positioned could never be moved again.
Is he offering this patent absurdity about the Jews' returning to Beirut because everyone here knows I'm Jewish and my claim to be otherwise is making the rounds as a joke?
Liberals think "it doesn't work" has such a nice ring to it that the patent absurdity of what they're saying should not detract from their argument.
It's a patent absurdity on the face of it to hate people because they live round the corner and speak another vernacular, in the next house so to speak.
Aristotle has always been eminently attackable and eminently attacked throughout history, and shooting down Aristotle's patent absurdities, like shooting fish in a barrel, didn't afford much satisfaction.
Yet we have been caught in this particular spin so long and so deeply that we do not grasp the patent absurdity of our traditional argument.
Edward Alexander writes that the refugee figures are "a patent absurdity," since "the entire population" of the area "is under 500,000."
Thousands of messages were old ideas rehashed, or patent absurdities, or probable lies.
Teddy blushed at the patent absurdity of what he had just said.
Several examples of patent absurdity have been in the news lately.