This article also includes a technical description of the instrument as well as a patent drawing of the Gravikord.
The original patent drawings can be viewed by searching the US Patent and Trademark office ( a link is provided under references) free of charge.
Among the interesting papers filed at the Orange Laboratory is a lithograph, the size of an ordinary patent drawing, headed "First Telephone on Record."
That feature was not shown in any of Bell's patent drawings, but was shown in Elisha Gray's drawings in his caveat filed the same day.
Later, after his boss recognized his talent for sketching patent drawings, Latimer was promoted to the position of head draftsman earning $20.00 a week by 1872.
This version, unlike her first patent drawing, included named streets (though the versions published in 1910 based on her first patent also had named streets).
For several years, Brazier worked privately, making a handsome map of Fayetteville, making patent drawings and surveying.
Using patent drawings, business histories, advertisements and photographs, the exhibition portrays Connecticut as a design and manufacturing center and the nation's corset capital.
The patent drawings filed show a three-partition revolving door.
It now costs $40 or $50 an hour to conduct a computer search at the office's Washington area headquarters, depending on whether the patent drawings are included.