Specifying that the fee was cost plus one dollar and that any patents resulting from the work would be assigned to the Government, Du Pont set to work.
It contains bibliographic data for a database of patents resulting from sponsored research by the Department of Energy and predecessor agencies.
Find over 20,000 patents resulting from DOE-sponsored research and development.
UK patent GB218487, Improvements relating to wrist watches, 1923 patent resulting from John Harwood's invention of a practical self-winding watch mechanism.
In a patent ductus arteriosus (PDA) the vessel does not close and remains "patent" (open) resulting in irregular transmission of blood between two of the most important arteries close to the heart, the aorta and the pulmonary artery.
Hughes does share royalties from patents and licenses resulting from research it sponsors.
DOepatents Find patents resulting from DOE-sponsored research and development.
Ciphergen will own any patents resulting from the discovery.