The technology architecture and patented software applications which group consumers into a myriad of interconnected networks is considered foundational to a wide range of core social networking concepts.
DiSTI's patented software also creates human-machine interfaces such as dashboards, gauges, and control screens.
Once connected, the patented software scans file sharing systems for piracy.
The patented software tracks how people use commercial Web sites as well.
To do that, the patented software starts with the answers and works backward.
The patent commons consists of all patented software which has been made available to the open source community.
Mr. Wang developed Shazam's patented software and is now the company's chief scientist.
To that end, YesVideo has developed patented software that automatically identifies natural scene breaks.
No company must be able to build a monopoly through patented software.
Now four Japanese inventors want to refine those activities with patented software that manages wills and other legacies on a computer network server.