He is rescued by Caine, who then proceeds to reveal his paternal relationship to Harmon.
The paternal relationship that many Japanese companies have with their employees also has an impact on where they set up shop.
But, he explained, it was only a paternal relationship.
He has researched how custody arrangements affect paternal relationships with children and the need for shared parenting post-divorce.
"It's sort of been like a paternal relationship."
He finds Najid alone in the city, and soon developed a paternal relationship with the boy.
The appointed man would not seek any paternal relationship or attachment to this child in the future.
Something in his words made it clear he had developed a separate paternal relationship towards Margot, analogous to the one Annie enjoyed with him.
President Bongo, who had "an almost paternal relationship" with Adiahénot, died in June 2009.
"There's still a strong paternal relationship with the people in our former lands," Hemendra says.