The winding path climbed through a grove of trees, then traversed bare, rocky slopes, and reached at last an extremely narrow passageway between boulders.
Follow a path traversing the rims 'via' the opposite choice of segments.
The path of State Route 89 passes through rural areas and does not traverse any incorporated communities.
The path traverses round this peak and leads down to the Old Church of Martindale (2.5 miles).
The path traversed a stonv bar- ren, crossed a river, once more slanted up through the blowing wind.
Ahead of us lay a densely overgrown ravine - eerily black in shadow - which our path traversed.
When two shortest paths traverse the same hop, the thickness of the lines being drawn is increased.
The path traverses the driest part of the country with less than an average 100 mm of rainfall annually.
The agents of change are foreign trekkers, following paths once traversed only by mountain climbers.
The path runs on both sides of the Czech-Polish border, along the main ridge and crosses or traverses all its summits.