All in all, it was Copland's "Appalachian Spring" that seemed the most path-breaking work.
His path-breaking work is best understood in the context of its times.
It followed his path-breaking work on rings of operators.
He soon followed this with his path-breaking work, The Middle East in World Affairs (1952).
A path-breaking work, it is Nishida's best known accomplishment.
But "The Tycoons" is not a path-breaking work of scholarship, testing new hypotheses against freshly uncovered facts.
In addition to his path-breaking theoretical work, Picard also made important contributions to applied mathematics, including the theories of telegraphy and elasticity.
The grants are awarded to projects and/or organizations that are carrying out original and path-breaking work in the development field and meet certain set criteria.
They were distinguished not just for their path-breaking work, but also for their dedication to nurturing their students.
It was a path-breaking work which explored the extrusive aspect of European history.