The best missiles Thallspring could have come up with would have been a pathetic token gesture.
Macro held his dagger out, knowing it was no more than a pathetic gesture of defiance.
It would have been a pathetic gesture given the fact she was crying.
She covered her eyes with her fingers, a curious and pathetic gesture.
He stretched out his hands with the strange pathetic gesture of a strong man helpless.
He pulled out his gun, the gesture pathetic, the threat, however, real.
She glanced away-brushed at a strand of loose hair with a vague, almost pathetic gesture.
This defensive system, which had seemed formidable to him when he compiled it, now seemed like a pathetic gesture.
He had put them out at first, with a pathetic gesture of infinite longing.
For a moment she seemed about to run; then she shook her head in a pathetic gesture and turned back to the spaceling.