Then he gave them a pathetic smile and exclaimed, "I am one and you are three.
There isn't a court in the state--" Durand looked up at him and gave a pathetic smile.
Rizpah, standing apart from them, smiled her human and pathetic smile.
Then a kind and somewhat pathetic smile appeared on his handsome face.
Gwen lay on the couch and gave him a pathetic smile.
"We have so much sorrow in common," she said with a pathetic smile.
She adjusted her skirt down over her knee, and once more the wan, pathetic smile came on her face.
He touched the brim of his hat, essayed a pathetic smile, and began to speak to Mallory, all in one breath.
The question was delivered with a warm and sym- pathetic smile.
I told her my foot was fine and with a pathetic smile on my face asked if I could use her bathroom again.