In his rough-hewn style, Fjalar was pathetically eager to see the old scenes again.
He seemed pathetically eager to show off his handiwork, but it would have taken a giant octopus to hold Matt back.
Shedemei wondered whether they would live long enough to stay a night in every house that would be pathetically eager to take them in.
The animals rolled their eyes in terror every time a bolt struck nearby, and they were pathetically eager to get in out of the rain.
It did indeed give good service, being pathetically eager to please.
Let them learn that the enemy coalitions were, behind their brave front, pathetically eager to effect a compromise, achieve a period of stability.
This Kh@fflict had been pathetically eager to take orders from him.
She seemed pathetically eager to please, and Sarah felt her reservations crumbling.
All those pathetically eager acid freaks who thought they could buy Peace and Understanding fot three bucks a hit.
He was pathetically eager to please, as though he could save himself through cooperation.