"I trust you are well, Doctor, and that your speechlessness has no pathological cause?"
Natural heart valves become dysfunctional for a variety of pathological causes.
Once potential pathological and environmental causes of diaphoresis are ruled out by a physician, it is more accurately referred to as hyperhidrosis.
It is the primary pathological cause of tooth loss in children.
Tachypnea may have physiological or pathological causes.
It is the most common pathological cause of late pregnancy bleeding.
RBBB usually has pathological cause, although it is seen in healthy individuals.
The propagation of PrP is a topic of great interest, as its accumulation is a pathological cause of neurodegeneration.
As seen in examples below, such physiological proliferation of cells may in fact be secondarily due to a pathological cause.
It usually has a pathological cause such as pancreatitis, cirrhosis, diverticulitis or cholangiocarcinoma.