If the patient wasn't bleeding to death, he quickly lost interest.
In trauma surgery, the most common cause of death is obvious: patients bleed to death.
If that patient bleeds into the brain, the drug not only caused a tragic outcome but the doctor could also be sued.
By the time the surgeon had produced his complete sentence, the patient might well have bled to death: a victim of syntax.
As one doctor recently put it, "When you go in, the patient is bleeding from every major thing you can think of."
But to cut an artery, the surgeon must temporarily clamp it, or the patient will bleed to death.
That is like letting the patient bleed to see if the wound will heal itself.
My patient was bleeding, like a coffee-colored fountain out of his nose and mouth.
He wasn't ready, but the patient was bleeding to death.
Cold also interferes with blood clotting; warm patients bleed less.