No patients consented to the study itself.
If the dentist finds the teeth in poor condition, the patient should consent to have them treated immediately.
Medical treatment which involves any touching of a patient is still analysed generally in law as lawful because the patient has consented to what would otherwise be an assault.
"The patient consented to this only after presenting me with a voice tape of his version of events as taken from his recurring nightmares."
All 96 patients consented to surgery.
The Court did however voice its disagreement over Justice Byrne's construction of s282 as only applying when the patient has not consented to the surgery in question.
Indeed, medical students were allowed to observe abortions if they chose and the patient consented.
Although the patient has consented to being touched by the surgeon, this consent does not extend to people who the patient would not reasonably anticipate would be participating in the procedure.
The patients consented to receive one of the three drugs, which were assigned by random choice and not by a doctor's prescription.
To the Editor: Underlying the abuses in psychiatric research that you report (Science Times, May 19) is the failure to confirm that patients have truly consented.