The patient, a married mother of three, had contracted German measles early in her fourth pregnancy.
How the patient contracted the worm is still unknown.
But the question remains how the elderly patient contracted a disease that was thought to be under control at the time.
Last month, for example, a patient contracted the hospital's first case of Legionnaires' disease.
It is classified as either community or hospital acquired depending on where the patient contracted the infection.
It is not clear whether the patients contracted the infection a second time, or simply became ill with the same virus after seeming to recover.
Particular care was taken to get the patients to contract the sphincter for at least 20 seconds.
Some vaccines are administered after the patient already has contracted a disease.
The oldest patients here contracted the disease when treatment was still primitive.
But since your patient has contracted the terrible habit of obedience, he will probably continue such "crude" prayers whatever you do.