But those four days left me with a realistic view of what infected patients often face.
This drug has been the most beneficial to these patients infected with the bacteria.
Significantly, all hospitals in the study found some patients infected with the virus.
No other cases of health-care providers infecting patients are known.
The main objective in many stages throughout the game is to save patients infected with Stigma.
Another patient, infected with the same condition, experiences a very painful death in front of Foreman.
With law cases pending throughout the country, it remains to be seen how many more patients infected at the Churchill decide to take legal action.
A preventorium was an institution or building for patients infected with tuberculosis who did not yet have an active form of the disease.
But some doctors say they have teen-age patients, infected from birth, who are sexually active and capable of having children.
During just the first half of 2012, almost 200 hospitals and long-term acute care facilities treated at least one patient infected with these bacteria.