However, the patient in this case insisted he had been wearing both trousers and underpants at the time.
This double-barreled increase means that if patients insist on a certain drug, they might see the cost skyrocket from, say, $10 to $50.
One patient, five minutes after her son had left, would insist that he had not seen her for years.
Artificial blood and organs made natural ones unnecessary, but some patients insisted on the genuine article.
On the way out, a mental patient sees Dawn and insists that there is nothing inside her.
But some former patients insist that their lives have been devastated by years of memory loss after shock treatments.
His wife is opposed, but the patient insists.
At 85, he has permitted himself to cut back, but still sweeps into the operating room when friends or patients of long standing insist.
One patient insisted on always paying him $100 to make up for some of those who could not pay at all.
As it was Maggy's last day, her patient insisted that they should go out for a last ride.