Both doctors had gone to lunch; her patient was sleeping.
After a strong treatment was administered, the patient became quiet and slept well that night.
I've had patients sleep outside my consulting room so they will be there when I arrive in the morning.
This patient, if instead told that he had a 95 percent chance of thriving after the surgery, would have slept much better.
The nurse would probably let down the blinds after lunch, so the patients could sleep.
Ginn says she can tell what side a patient sleeps on because that half of her face has more fine lines.
They moved into a ward where a young patient, his head bandaged after an operation, was sleeping.
The patient could barely sleep in the days before the test.
At night, cots are set up in a small examination room so that patients can sleep as they wait for admission.
The patient was sleeping, and according to the night nurse, entirely satisfactory.