Nancy's patient, we determined, was testing her perseverance: would she really try to know him?
And why are patients testing antibody positive using a test that has been available since August?
A further 12 patients tested positive for infection, and another 20 show signs of infection, 10 November 2009.
Although four patients tested positive at two of the sites, no patient was positive after repeated testing.
The patient, a 38-year-old teacher, who was also obese, tested positive for H1N1 by a private clinic.
With a threat hanging over their heads, patients often test clean.
She is eager to use the patients to test experimental drugs but does not continue the successful treatments because of cost.
So far all the patients have tested negative.
Over a 12 month period, 30 patients tested positive for antibodies.
Typically, patients test each leg at two or three different speeds, from very slow to very fast.