It is applied when patients do not wish to know their carrier status but want to ensure that they have offspring free of the disease.
Likewise, if a patient wishes to forgo medical treatment, he or she has a right to refuse it.
It may happen sometimes that the patient may wish to end his life, rather than wait for death.
The decision took far longer than the patient might have wished.
Other patients may wish to have no procedures, including sedation, just before death.
However patients may not wish to wait between these two sets of test.
From six to nine people are coming in for their medicine, or fresh patients wishing advice.
And if a patient wishes to come out of turn he has to pay half-a-guinea for the privilege.
The nursing theory is based upon the philosophy that all "patients wish to care for themselves".
Some patients may wish to learn packing themselves to deal with nosebleeds without having to resort to medical help.