He shuffled southward on Vine Street, with the cat patiently following him.
The old woman moved with excruciating slowness, but Peggy followed patiently.
Next day he set forth at dawn with the dun cows in front of him, and followed patiently wherever they might lead him.
Halfway to her bungalow afoot, she looked back to see Shuler patiently following.
The missile patiently followed the first curve.
They walked to the big gray house, the huge dogs following patiently.
The burros followed patiently to the valley floor.
She followed patiently until the road that led to the stables and the carriage house curved out of sight of the front door.
Beginning with spring training, Bissinger patiently followed the team, waiting for the perfect three-game series.
We move about our business while radio patiently follows.