This work is plagued by a cultural, economic, and educational tradition that reinforces patriarchal attitudes.
This dominant patriarchal attitude still has roots in society today as men are viewed to be heads of families.
The work, critical of the patriarchal and male-chauvinistic attitude of religion towards women, attracted negative reaction from the conservatives.
Studies also link condom nonuse to patriarchal attitudes and intimate partner violence.
What bothers me about A.A.," she said, "is the patriarchal attitude, and that a person can't do anything without the help of a higher power.
Under her husband's patriarchal attitude, she raised her children and also took care of her parents-in-law and husband.
This week we explore an issue about a new nation, born earlier this year and which still has some pretty traditional patriarchal attitudes.
Also politically liberal and emancipated Jews had a patriarchal and traditionalistic attitude about women's rights.
That is the more recent, patriarchal attitude, I suppose.
But it took unification, a decade ago, to challenge deeply held patriarchal attitudes.