After the war, there was a restoration of traditional patriarchal authority in the family.
His patriarchal authority held the Empire together while the politicians squabbled.
But it is sometimes given a wider significance, referring for instance to an area under patriarchal authority.
More important still for Reich was the fact that his wife and children also suffered from his patriarchal authority.
Those who fall outside the Oedipal triad of mother/father/child are less subject to patriarchal authority.
Even prostitutes found "a rare measure of autonomy in a trade that defied patriarchal authority."
On the one hand it would appear that they are less likely to be clearly subordinated to traditional patriarchal authority.
The first officer nodded, relieved that the captain was displaying some patriarchal authority at last.
Anyone outside of patriarchal authority is by definition a subaltern subject.
The code restored patriarchal authority in the family, for example, by making women and children subservient to male heads of households.