The monogamous and patriarchal family has been prevalent since the 8th century.
The typical organization of early society was based upon the patriarchal family.
The solution lay in the abolition of the patriarchal family.
In a traditional patriarchal family, the father holds the authority of property, women and children.
Raised in an oppressive patriarchal family that was filled with classical music and opera.
These women were able to own property and even inherit when they became deceased would of course end up back to the patriarchal family.
She said that not growing up in a typical patriarchal family had a great impact on her work and writing.
In this respect, she "flouts the authority of the patriarchal family."
They have a tradition of extended patriarchal families in close communities.
They promote a patriarchal family, in which the woman's role revolves around kitchen, cradle and church.