Here she discovered a village run by women (very unusual in a patriarchal society).
So at the moment, they're thinking of us as a good, old-fashioned patriarchal society.
Women are prevented from enjoying their rights by the patriarchal society.
The power of the patriarchal society on her views is evident.
In patriarchal society, the ways to win women, so it is said, are through beauty, accomplishment, and money.
But still we lived in a very patriarchal society.
In the patriarchal society of Mesopotamia the nuclear family was called a "house".
Her early work focused on political violence and the agency of women in patriarchal society.
They will not let the man, even for a moment, have the illusion that he lives in a patriarchal society.
In a traditional patriarchal society, the social norms place serious restrictions on women's ability to make a living outside of marriage.