The ambitious career woman still appeared; women, however, who worked from patriotic motives were able to maintain their marriages and bear children.
In 1868, for patriotic motives he resigned and went to Paris and then emigrated to America.
He's not proposing to build the tunnels from patriotic motives.
He's got a special bunch of snoops to snoop on us snoops-with the highest patriotic motives, of course.
The lyrics of their songs were occasionally influenced by 1991-95 war and used patriotic motives.
It is your job to arrange this after doing something very convincing to persuade them that you have no patriotic motives or connections whatever.
Though Liversidge could have been prosecuted for his deception, it is unlikely that he would have received a severe sentence owing to his patriotic motives.
The Germans hold the latter view; the French, from patriotic motives, maintain the opposite opinion.
When exercised from patriotic and disinterested motives, its effects were beneficial; but the moment the principle of reward was introduced, this was no longer the case.
Although the draft would come to Pennsylvania in September, the members of the 125th enlisted earlier and primarily for "patriotic motives."