The doctrine of Gaullism was born during the Second World War as a French movement of patriotic resistance to the German invasion of 1940.
De Gaulle not only kept the patriotic resistance alive; he also did everything possible to re-establish the French claim to independence and sovereignty.
A female fighter, Ngo Thi Tuyen, was hailed as a model of patriotic resistance and devotion for heroic repair efforts to the important Dragon's Jaw Bridge, a structure that stood up against several attempts to destroy it, until laser-guided bombs knocked it down in 1972.
It appears that Robert Bruce had fallen under the influence of his grandfather's friends, Wishart and Stewart, who had inspired him to patriotic resistance.
The Commonwealth armed forces, along with the Ethiopian patriotic resistance, expelled those of Italy in 1941, and took over the area's administration.
His songs criticized the ruling communist regime and appealed to the tradition of patriotic resistance within Poles.
The primary focus is on the singer's return from America in 1914, and her subsequent involvement in the patriotic resistance towards Austria-Hungary.
He initially maintains a patriotic resistance to their activities, but gradually discovers the truth: life is peaceful for the dominant empires but the seeming utopia of the empires' home countries is based on decades of unimpeded and unopposed colonial oppression, brutality and domination of their territories.
Destin's career suffered a fatal blow in World War I. She returned to her homeland after the start of the war in 1914, but her links with the patriotic Czech resistance caused her passport to be revoked.