The Columbus Police standard marked patrol fleet consists largely of Crown Victoria Police Interceptor models.
If they had chosen to engage, those warglobes could have exterminated everyone on Boone's Crossing and wiped out our patrol fleet, and we couldn't have done a thing about it.
We have been advised that the survival of the patrol fleet at VeeRon resulted in part from a warning you gave.
'Then you'll order me north to Cover's Warren, to muster the patrol fleet and guard Felwaithe?'
He also replaced the Ptolemaic patrol fleet on the Red Sea to keep piracy in check.
Like most of the state's other shopping malls, Mr. Messer said his security staff would be adding a mountain bike to its patrol fleet.
The vessel is a Chinese destroyer, the Ho ng Lung, which is the flagship of a large patrol fleet that operates in the Spratly Islands.
He realises that the entire patrol fleet can do the same thing; the newly improved fleet then proceeds defeat the Kierans.
The LAPD had purchased 534 Matadors for its patrol fleet.
Bennie had been with the sheriff's department, servicing the patrol fleet, until he saved enough to move out here with his wife and start his own repair shop.