The patrol made a surprise inspection of a checkpoint at the time of the blast.
His patrol of four made it back, but badly battered by combat.
Urthclaw kept an eye to a crack in the door, watching the patrol make its way toward Kotir.
Not long after sunrise a patrol of hunters made a rendezvous.
Wilson waved, and the foraging patrol made its way upriver.
The patrol made its way through the village before exchanging fire on the outskirts of Doan.
If a patrol made contact with the enemy and it lasted for any length of time, a second squad would be sent to react.
Such a patrol makes great effort to remain clandestine and observe the enemy without being detected.
The patrols have made about 5,000 arrests so far, many of them for street hooliganism, officials said.
While some clergy members and residents say the patrol has made the area safer, the police are not enthusiastic.