Its patrons still enjoy some of the greatest music, dance and theater on the planet, but those audiences are increasingly homogeneous.
The patrons of iconostases, portraits and still life paintings also enjoyed music which set itself apart from oriental models.
Here, patrons can indulge themselves in beach activities or simply just enjoy the sound of the crashing waves.
Thus, during this period, patrons could enjoy their favorite pie anytime day or night.
The librarian at the desk told me that many patrons enjoy playing trivia with the mural.
Last summer, patrons enjoyed Violet's large garden room, with its view of formal rose gardens.
Two tables on the front porch permit a few patrons to enjoy the fine, though expensive, French food at the captivating 1846 inn.
Are the patrons eating with gusto and enjoying themselves?
The Club houses a bar where patrons can enjoy the seaview.
The theatre was demolished in 1996 and patrons enjoyed a beer garden.