Some also have "dark rooms" where patrons can find privacy for more intimate acts.
Challenged by this call to arms, Godoy and his royal patrons found they had few defenders.
He notes with pride that his patrons will not find such gimmicks in his plays.
Even when seated, patrons find that service is neither swift nor sure.
Although our other patrons might find it odd if we supply one table with special chairs.
Not all the patrons found him as admirable as those who knew him by his work.
And patrons of host clubs, despite their efforts to defy convention, at the same time find a way to embrace it.
For example, will some patrons find it distracting or tiring to keep switching their focus from near to distant?
If patrons found that they were being left for two hours to look at a blank screen, they might well object.
"It does not escape us which patrons find the time to do this, and which just send one of their freedmen."