And loyal patrons also know the "Jeffersons" theme song by heart.
All the patrons know the women for what they are.
However, to let patrons know whether a book was in or out, the new library was equipped with a recently developed "indicator system".
Here, the patrons and workers he employed knew him under a pseudonym.
The patron knows about all this, of course.
As such, patrons and players at a football game never know exactly when the siren is going to sound, which makes close games particularly tense.
And even if the other patrons didn't know who he was, they could not help noticing him.
The talk is about love, and the patrons at Willie's know how to sweeten the drink of life when it has gone sour.
These tokens were sometimes used in small, family bars where patrons knew each other.
According to Ms. Hibner, many patrons do not know what to ask for at first.