The front door being handy, Kim used it, while the patrons of the cafe were still staring dumbly at the jagged space that had absorbed The Shadow.
Waiters and patrons stare unabashedly, and the blue-haired matron at an adjoining booth switches tables in the middle of her meal.
I won't say no more, not to nobody -" The few patrons in the place were staring at Johnny, wondering why the waiter was talking to himself.
The other patrons had fallen deathly silent and were staring at the brothers and the kender with dark and angry expressions.
One day a patron in the restaurant stared at him and then told him, "Leslie, I'm your father."
Several nearby patrons stared at me with surprised and suspicious expressions.
Transfixed, the patrons stared until the specter vanished.
Rod sneaked a quick peek, and was relieved to see that the other patrons were all staring avidly at their games- well, almost all.
Finally I said, as the waitress and several patrons stared at us in disgust, "I think we go out there-after I make two phone calls."
- until he realized that the patron next to him was staring at him.