Critics accused successive viceroys of using their patronage power as a corrupt means of controlling parliament.
During his final months in office, Patton drew criticism for abusing his patronage power.
This immediately put all on notice that he would freely use patronage power as a political weapon.
These latter posts yielded him considerable income as well as considerable patronage power.
Then, in the 1960's, the increased unionization of the municipal work force eroded the clubs' patronage powers.
Their patronage power and organizational muscle helped earn them an estimated 17 percent of the ballots, according to projections.
Buchanan used all his patronage powers to weaken Douglas.
Wilson used his patronage powers to guide it to Senate passage 44 to 37, on September 9, 1913.
In an interview yesterday, he said Judge Lippman's changes could actually increase the patronage power of judges.
With it comes a measure of patronage power and influence over the selection of local chief rabbis.