The pattern of denser distribution in these areas did not correspond to preconceived priorities but was the result of some obvious contingencies.
Its relapsing-remitting pattern in women correspond to the progesterone levels during the menstrual cycle, which spike twice a month.
In his study, he examined the star ratings given by readers to determine what patterns, if any, correspond to different types of books.
One pattern of voltage might correspond to a movement to the right, another with traveling in a circle, another with complete stillness, and so on.
Each rectangular pattern corresponds to a letter.
Instead it is claimed that an astrological pattern with regard to the future can correspond with any one of a variety of possibilities.
The pattern corresponds to each of the following:
Often, the join patterns corresponds closely to a finite state machine that specifies the valid states of the object.
"This embedded pattern corresponds to readouts from a physiological scanner," said Nau.
These patterns can be seen and measured, and correspond well to the values calculated for them.