Below the dais, people milled in the patterns dictated by rank and custom, but he was acutely aware of the holes in the patterns.
Today, glazing bars tend to be decorative, separating windows into small panes of glass even though larger panes of glass are available, generally in a pattern dictated by the architectural style at use.
They were more like immense spotlights; eyeballs the size of small moons whose annihilatory furnaces switched on and off according to a pattern dictated by their slow dance round the vast world.
As the ecological pattern dictated by Muad'dib remade the planet's landscape, human resistance increased.
Greece was divided into many small self-governing communities, a pattern largely dictated by Greek geography, where every island, valley and plain is cut off from its neighbours by the sea or mountain ranges.
As mentioned above, a crystal is formed following a well-defined pattern, or structure, dictated by forces acting at the molecular level.
Turned off at the moment, nonfunctional . . . she tried not to breathe as the sensor swayed nearer, sweeping in a conical pattern dictated by the stiffness of its wire stalk and the vibrations induced at its source.
Formal kimonos are typically worn in several layers, with number of layers, visibility of layers, sleeve length, and choice of pattern dictated by social status, season, and the occasion for which the kimono is worn.
The matter and radiation we see today were generated during the most recent collision in a pattern dictated by quantum fluctuations created before the branes.
Old lava locks its rich metallic burden in a pattern dictated by the magnetic ambiance at the time the flow cools.