Visual patterns in nature are often chaotic, never exactly repeating, and often involve fractals.
The basic pattern involves the lead (usually the man) taking a checked forward step with the left foot, retaining some weight on the right foot.
One common pattern in computing involves the processing of several items, one at a time.
The circular pattern involves moving the fingers in concentric circles from the nipple outward.
Even though some of the most conspicuous risk takers act alone, the more common pattern for dangerous adolescent behavior involves groups.
The present agricultural pattern has clearly involved great changes and the loss of permanent pasture is of particular significance ornithologically.
In summary, the pattern of change in household composition certainly does not involve a simple shrinkage from large to small units.
Although "Moves" is meticulously and almost geometrically patterned, its patterns involve more than shapes in motion.
Essential to remember is that the pattern of referred pain in no way hints at the spinal level involved.
For example, one pattern might involve ringing bells 1 through 10 in order.